LOU is our new pup! He loves rides/runs on singletrack. Such a great addition to our family! He's been my motivation to ride more, as he is all about running and running and running.

The Sh*tbike! It has been ridden by the likes of, Wade Simmons, Ryan Leech, Cam McCaul and has been entered in a number of races.
Oh yeah! Paige and I with that badass! I was so giddy when I spotted it. I saw a guy riding a bike with the Shitbike in tow. I saw the Murray ball guard and screamed, "Hey is that the Shitbike?" Guy says, " Sure is, you wanna check it out?" Hell yeah I wanted to check it out. The friendly gent was Morgan Meredith from Bike Magazine. He's a super cool guy and great photographer. If you haven't seen his photos, pick up any Bike mag and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Truly an amazing trip!

Truly an amazing trip!